Here is our Plan

Our journey through the Fifth Gospel, the land of Israel (and Jordan) begins at home. We arrive in Tel Aviv no later than November 7th and spend our first night on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. Our steps will take us to Caesarea Maritima on the coast; Mt. Carmel, Megiddo, Nazareth, Cana and on to the Sea of Galilee.  Two full days around the Galilee and Golan Heights.  A day of travel over to and through Jordan (Jerash, Mt. Nebo, Medeba and on to Petra); A full day relaxing on the Red Sea and two nights around the Dead Sea (Masada, En Gedi, Qumran).  The rest of our trip is in or around Jerusalem.

Here are links to the hotels we will be staying at through our trip:

November 7th (and 6th for those who arrive early:  Tal by the Beach.  (This includes a video of the hotel)

November 8-11:  Nof Ginosar Hotel, Tiberius.  Video here:

November 11-12:  Grand View Hotel, Petra, Jordan:    Video here:

November 12-14:  Yam Suf Hotel, Eilat:  Video link here:

November 14-16:  Hod Hotel, Dead Sea:  Video here:

November 16-20: Ibis Style Hotel, Jerusalem:   Video here:
(This is a brand new, recently opened hotel)

This blog will provide a summary of our day with text and pictures for family and friends to travel with us.


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