Final Day and Heading Home

This is my last installment for this journey. In a few hours we all will be heading home and the tour comes to an end. But the questions, the insights and the memories will last into eternity. We began our morning at the Garden Tomb. Run by a British foundation, the Garden Tomb area was cited by British General Gordon as being the potential place of Jesus’ burial. It is located outside the city walls; by a rock formation that looked like a skull; along the Damascus Road; and has a tomb hewed out of the rock. We always tell people that while the Church of the Holy Sepulchre is historically probably accurate, the feel would be like here. Once we were guided through the garden and went into see the tomb, we retreated to a small chapel where we did a trip review and had communion together. The testimonies were memorable. Next, the City of David. Yes Bethlehem is also called the City of David. That is where he was born. But this City of Dav...